How Laser Engraving is changing the Face of the Industry ?

Engraving has been a part of human history for ages now. The earliest signs of engraving have been dated back to 60,000 B.C. in the Middle Stone Age. Engraving serves as a channel for display of art and recording of information. Several materials like wood, stone, metal, plastic, and even ostrich eggs are/ have been used for engraving.

Glass Engraving: Then & Now

For a very long time, manual tools like sharp objects and hammers were used for engraving. This job was time consuming, inaccurate, and delicate. It required immense skill and patience. For example, engraving on glass was tedious work and the possibility of it breaking was very high. With the invention of newer technologies like laser engraving, the same job has become much easier.

Even when considering mechanical engraving methods, laser technology is still leaps and bounds ahead of it. When engraving wood, marble, plastic, etc. with mechanical tools, it’s next to impossible to get a clean cut. These tools will leave a roughened edge. Laser engravers on the other hand provide clean cuts that don’t require finishing. The final result is smooth. Additionally, Laser engraving on glass, wood, plastic, and virtually any other material takes a matter of a few seconds to get completed.

Laser engravers are preferred over their mechanical counterparts. Laser engravers are able to achieve such a high level of finesse that is impossible for mechanical engravers to match. Moreover, laser engravers are time and cost efficient making them widely popular. Laser engraving being extremely versatile, is used for heavy industrial, commercial, and domestic engraving. By automating the process of engraving, the repeatability and accuracy is incomparable. All these combined benefits have made laser technology the go-to option for engraving.

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